Founders Dojo Start Up Program

The Dojo connects capital, talent & ideas to accomplish the amazing.

Since 2007 hundreds of founders, projects, initiatives and movements have come through the Dojo. The Founders Dojo Start up program is the iteration and culmination of those experiences.

Program Design

The Dojo Start up program is unique for each project and is generally broken into two key phases - formation and growth. 

The formation phase includes setting up the business through the MVP  (minimal viable product) phase. Going from idea to “will this work and grow?” is a unique experience and one that we have successful traveled many times.

When you avoid the mistakes from the hundreds that have come before you, you will go straighter, faster and frictionless towards stage 2. Or your idea does not work and that is a fine answer as well.

Stage 2 is the growth phase and it begins post MVP after the business has proven the key hypothesis and is ready to build and grow. Traditionally this would be the A round funding phase. This is when teams are built, and scalable systems are made. Often this requires very different skills and expertise than phase 1.

However each phase follows the same fundamental process - achieve clarity, map out the simplest path to the next objective, then proceed straight, fast and frictionless. The Dojo’s focus and commitment to program results in a high rate of success and a low rate of pain. Start up must be fun, enjoyable and lucrative to be dojo. At each stage we work with the team and provide the capital, talent and ideas to achieve the the next objective and the ultimate objective for each project.

"It's a collaborative, start-up community and home to superstars who do amazing things"

— Ryan Hoover, Founder of Product Hunt